We are honored that Rep. Luis V. Gutierrez (D-Chicago) is recommending Amor and Exile to his colleagues in the House, all of whom received a copy within the last week… copied below is a memo that went out to members of the House this morning:
Subject: Immigration, Judiciary: Dear Colleague: Amor and Exile Tells the Story of Families Separated or Exiled by Immigration Laws
Amor and Exile Tells the Story of Families Separated or Exiled by Immigration Laws
From: The Honorable Luis V. Gutierrez
Date: 6/21/2013
This week, a remarkable book was delivered to your office that I hope you will read, share, and learn from. Amor and Exile: True Stories of Love Across America’s Borders, tells the story of U.S. citizens who fall in love with undocumented immigrants only to find themselves trapped in a legal labyrinth, stymied by our nation’s immigration laws.
Journalist Nathaniel Hoffman visited both sides of the border to document the lives of couples split apart by borders or exiled from America. His coauthor, Nicole Salgado, provides her firstperson account of life in the U.S. with her husband while he was undocumented, her decision to leave the country with him, and their seven years of exile together in Mexico.
I had the opportunity to visit with Nathaniel and Nicole in my office earlier this week and have found the stories they write about — and the story Nicole still lives — very powerful in conveying what is at stake in our nation’s immigration debate. They raised the funds from supporters in 28 states to be able to provide copies of their book to every Member of the House and Senate so that we come to know and understand the American citizens whose lives we are talking about when we discuss immigration, deportation, and efforts to reunite families.
I hope you will take a look.
For more information, see http://amorandexile.com, http://facebook.com/
Luis V. Gutiérrez
Member of Congress
Dr. Disculpe
Las personas deportadas con castigos de 10 anos
Tenemos posibilidades de regresar?
Tengo mas de 10anos casada con un ciudadano y me citaron en Juárez para darme mi residencia y simplemente no me dejaron regresar
Y mis hijas menores de edad se quedaron alla solas
De 11 y 17 anos hace 3 anos
Solo me traje a la pequena de 3 anos puesto que ella si tiene ciudadania..
Mis hijas solitas han tenido mil problemas como la mayor tuvo un accidente automovilistico que salio por el parabrisas y casi se mata
La de 15 anos trabaja para ayudarse con sus estudios y va muy bien incluso tiene una carta de la casa blanca de felicitaciones por buenas notas todo el tiempo
Nosotros perdimos todo..
Porque mi esposo tuvo que salirse y dejar todo casa coche todo
Porque aun no acababamos de pagar
Y aqui esta trabajando
Yo no puedo porque tengo Multiple Sclerosis
Ojala pudiera orientarnos
Dios lo Bendiga
Estimada Ana, lamento mucho su situación. Yo sugiero que primero que nada que su esposo quien es ciudadano busca consejo legal. Se puede informarse en los siguientes enlaces: immigrate2us.net y http://www.americanfamiliesunited.com. Si encuentro otros recursos que le sirve de apoyo con gusto se los mando. Mucha suerte. -NS