Congress is back in session and 2014 will be another do-or-die year for immigration reform.

To promote meaningful debate and public awareness about immigration, deportation and exile, we will be giving away copies of the Amor and Exile Kindle book on Thursday and Friday of this week!
Our Kindle version can be read on almost any computer, tablet or smartphone, not just on Kindles.
Here’s the details:
- When: Thursday, January 23rd through Friday, January 24th (48 hours!)
- Where: The Amor and Exile Kindle Page:
- What: Download the free ebook for yourself or gift to a friend by clicking the “Give as a Gift” button on the Amazon page!
NOTE: We’d like to move thousands of copies of the book next week and need your help! Please plan to download a digital copy of Amor and Exile from the Kindle store next Thursday and Friday, even if you already have a copy of the book! You can use it as a backup copy, gift to a friend or use it to beef up your digital library. If you support immigration reform or human rights, please share this special opportunity with everyone in your circles! And thanks for all of your great reviews of the book as well!
Here’s a short sample message for your Twitter: Get @amorandexile for #free, Th-Fri, Jan. 23-24 from the #Kindle Store: #immigration #goodreads
If you have any questions about the giveaway or how to gift a book to a friend, please email one of us. Thanks again for your support!
***** UPDATE *****
Our giveaway resulted in over 1400 downloads of Amor and Exile in 2 days. We got into the top 500 Kindle books overall, and were #1 for political science and emigration/immigration books on Kindle for a day. Thanks to everyone who participated!