Tell Your Elected Officials: Include Mixed Status Families in Immigration Reform

Last fall, the American Families United Act was sponsored by Congressional Rep. Veronica Escobar (D-TX). This March, although the AFU Act had not yet reached the House floor, the Dream and Promise Act and the Farmworker Modernization Act were passed in the House last week, both without amendments to include undocumented spouses of American citizens. While these bills are very helpful for millions of undocumented immigrants, it’s important for legislators to realize that many American families — if an undocumented spouse is subject to a 1996-era immigration ban — can be driven underground, separated, or forced into exile, much like Nicole and her husband were. In an effort to increase public awareness and demand Congress address this issue, affected U.S. citizens like Nicole are making their voices heard, so that their families are included in immigration reform.

Learn more about the American Families United Act at their website or Facebook page. 

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